Make Money From Your Spare Change

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Spare Change is something we all have lying around somewhere. Whether it's tucked away nicely in the OLE trusty piggy bank, lost in the bed pillows, or riding around in the holder, there is one thing you can not know for sure. If you can not be put to use then it is not you a penny.


Let's briefly examine some of the possibilities that could be easily done for you to earn money from your spare change:


1 To roll and take to the bank! Even with the ridiculously low interest rates, our financial institutions are now on offer is still higher than that OLE piggy bank to pay to store it for you. If you do not have the time or patience to roll change ourselves most institutions now have the machinery to do it for you for a small fee.


2 If you or your spouse happen to have a talent for something, then use the money to buy supplies to make things and sell them. My wife is making hair bows and selling them for over a year ago and the only thing that cost us out of his pocket an initial trip to the arts and crafts shops. All because he has paid for itself. Since the fall festivals, arts and crafts shows and of course the Internet is an endless supply of opportunities to sell your product.


3 Start a collection of money. Collecting coins is a hobby of people around the world since the first years of the coin. The value of some of these collections is astronomical, and continues rasti.Popularna collection today is the state quarters, and most of these coins are readily available. After the coin collection also serves as a very good family time as you can sit down and sort through the money with their children.


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